Morning Docket: 04.01.24

* Legal department is one of the few things related to Boeing not suffering from a sudden drop in pressure. [] * Texas district court goes full Bartleby and tells federal judiciary it would prefer not to follow the rules. [Reuters] * Trump could fire his legal team in a bid to further delay cases….

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From campus to career: Redefining higher education for today’s student

Every year, millions of students embark on their college journey, only to be met with staggering student loan debt, regret over their choice of major and underemployment upon graduation. For institutions, declining enrollment from the demographic cliff is compounded by decreased confidence in the value of higher education creating fiscal crises on campuses across the…

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Nigerian student debt could impact graduation

The Nigerian economy was severely impacted in 2023 by a national election, the subsequent devaluation of currency and the removal of the discount exchange rate for students studying abroad from the Central Bank of Nigeria, known as ‘Form A’. While Nigerian’s have become accustomed to fluctuating rates and shortages of foreign exchange, many students have…

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Are Prosecutors Entitled to Immunity When Advising Law Enforcement Officers? – North Carolina Criminal Law

Law enforcement officers frequently call on prosecutors for advice. Prosecutors generally see responding to such requests as part of their duties, as the North Carolina Constitution directs that District Attorneys “advise the officers of justice” in their districts. N.C. Const., Art. IV, § 18. But are prosecutors protected by absolute prosecutorial immunity when they give…

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Actionable strategies for integrating AI into the classroom

As generative artificial intelligence (AI) continues its rapid ascent, higher education institutions are pondering strategies for adapting and equipping their students with the skills necessary to thrive in an AI-oriented workforce.  Despite the pressing need for AI literacy, a recent BestColleges survey found that just 53% of students say they have been assigned coursework that…

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Sustainability knowledge tool seeks “common language”

TASK™, The Assessment of Sustainability Knowledge, was created to “make sustainability the new mainstream” and make it a common language, beyond sustainability advocates and experts, according co-founder Aurélien Decamps. “Everyone should be able to understand what is sustainability and how you can act on it,” he said. Decamps was speaking with The PIE News during a QS conference…

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