A Rare Bird? TriZetto Collects $14.5M In Attorneys’ Fees But No Trade Secret Damages – Trade Secrets

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A claimant’s recovery of attorneys’ fees in a trade
secret action ordinarily reflects an overwhelming success at trial.
The claimant would have necessarily proved (at least under federal
law) that its trade secret had been willfully or maliciously
misappropriated. Moreover, trade secret laws generally permit the
claimant to recover its actual loss, unjust enrichment damages, or
a reasonable royalty for the misappropriation. Therefore, one could
reasonably assume that recovering $14.5M in attorneys’ fees
would be the icing on the litigation cake. Not so in TriZetto Group, Inc. v. Syntel Sterling Best
Shores Mauritius Limited

As I previously wrote, TriZetto proved at
trial that Syntel misappropriated its trade secrets, obtained a
jury award of $285 million in avoided R&D costs damages, and
secured an injunction against Syntel’s use of the trade
secrets. Last year, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit vacated the damages award and remanded for further
consideration of a $142 million reasonable royalty (i.e., 50% of
the alleged avoided R&D costs) awarded under New York law for
trade secret misappropriation. On remand, the District Court
vacated the reasonable royalty award because it lacked “any
relation to the injury TriZetto suffered from Syntel’s
relatively limited infringing use” and bore “no
reasonable relation to the actual harm TriZetto suffered.”
Thus, the compensatory damages awarded by the jury stand vacated at
this time pending a likely appeal.

However, the District Court awarded TriZetto $14.5M in
attorneys’ fees in view of the jury’s findings and
Syntel’s “reprehensible” conduct. This is a hefty, if
not jaw-dropping, award. It reflects: (i) representation by a firm
having a specialty in IP law; (ii) hourly rates of $585 for junior
attorneys to $1,746 for senior attorneys; (iii) a complex case
comprising a six-day trial, 1,110 court filings, and an expansive
record, and (iv) a “reasonable number of hours billed”
(i.e., 21,000 hours by 29 attorneys). The
“reasonableness” of this attorneys’ fees award rests
in the eye of the beholder.

As it stands, TriZetto established the willful or malicious
misappropriation of its trade secrets, obtained an injunction
against Syntel, and recovered enough to cover some – but not all of
– its attorneys’ fees. This is assumedly not the result
TriZetto had in mind when it brought this case back in 2015.

What are the takeaways? Complex trade secret litigation may
carry a hefty price tag for each party. Defendants should
understand that aggressively defending a “willful and
malicious” misappropriation creates a risk of running up
recoverable attorneys’ fees. In addition, trade secret owners
should focus early in a trade secret case on available remedies and
alternative theories. Damages moon shots can and often do fail.
Here, TriZetto suffered $8.5M in alleged lost profits. It chose to
aim higher and seek Syntel’s purported avoided R&D costs.
The availability of such compensatory damages under the Defend
Trade Secrets Act has been and somewhat remains in flux. Armed with
the benefit of hindsight, could TriZetto have adduced evidence at
trial that offered stronger support for a substantial reasonable

1. Syntel Sterling Best Shores Mauritius Limited v. The
Trizetto Group, Inc. et al
., No. 15-cv-00211 (S.D.N.Y. Mar.
13, 2024).

After hearing all of the evidence at trial, the jury
spoke, awarding TriZetto the largest amount of compensatory damages
offered by TriZetto’s expert, plus substantial punitive
damages. These awards expressed the jury’s clear view about the
harm to TriZetto and the maliciousness of Syntel’s conduct.
Vacating the entirety of the jury’s compensatory damages, which
is where this case now stands, is in stark contrast to the
jury’s verdict.


The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

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#Rare #Bird #TriZetto #Collects #14.5M #Attorneys #Fees #Trade #Secret #Damages #Trade #Secrets

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