AFP ICON Conference 2024: Tips from the Pros

Have you been searching for some inspiration in your work? We all need new ideas to keep our fundraising strategies fresh and current.

Attending the AFP ICON conference each year and interacting with colleagues always provides that for our team. So many creative and mission-minded people in one building!

When you attend a professional event, do you feel like you bring back a few nuggets of wisdom to share with your staff and clients? I certainly do.. This year, I interviewed three smart colleagues about their favorite takeaways from the conference. I’m happy to pass these along to you:

Takeaway #1: QR codes 

Chad Barger of Productive Fundraising passed along some creative ways to use QR codes in your printed mailers.

For instance, you can place a QR code next to a photograph of a program you are promoting. The reader simply scans the QR code with their mobile device to go straight to a video of the program in action. When the video ends, the viewer is taken to a giving page to contribute to that program.

Isn’t that brilliant?  Two of Chad’s clients have seen double-digit-percent increases in response to their campaigns, thanks to this approach. I’m sold!

Takeaway #2: Impact-focused conversations

For Paula Attenfield of Stephen Thomas Ltd, the new idea was around how to respond to the common tough questions we get asked as non-profit fundraisers. Questions like: “Why do you get paid so much?” or “Why are your development costs so high?”

Paula attended a session where she learned how to redirect those conversations to the impact the organization is making. When we draw the listener into what’s most important about the work we do – whether it’s curing cancer or finding homes for abandoned pets – many of those hard questions answer themselves.

Takeaway #3: Values-focused appeals

Sometimes, the main takeaway is something NOT to do. That was the case for Cathy McClain of NC Warm. She learned that segmenting fundraising appeals by age or generation is not an effective approach.

Instead, we should understand our donors’ values and tailor our approach accordingly. When we know the motivating factor behind someone’s giving, we can connect them to the program or campaign that fits.

That’s something we constantly talk about with our clients. After all, your donors are real people with passions and interests – not just a generational label.

Bottom Line: Fundraisers have so much to learn from one another. 

Make sure you’re finding places to grow and learn, whether by attending a conference or signing up for one of our coaching programs. It’s the best way to stay energized and continue building on your success.

As always, it is a pleasure to share our weekly insights with you as we discuss essential fundraising strategies. If your organization is planning a capital campaign or expanding its major gifts program, we can help. Email to schedule a free strategy call with us.


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#AFP #ICON #Conference #Tips #Pros

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