Agents And Principals – Contracts and Commercial Law


An agency or mandate relationship arises anytime one person, the
principal, grants authority to another person, the agent, to act
for and on behalf of the principal.

Principal-agent relationships are very common relationships in
business. Directors and commissioners of limited liability
companies are agents of their companies. Partners in general
partnerships, and managing partners in limited partnerships, are
agents of their companies. The employment relationship is an agency

However, an agent need not be a director, commissioner, partner
or employee of its principal. For instance, a principal may appoint
and authorize an agent to conduct certain acts for the principal,
such as in the case of a real estate agent who markets a house for
sale, or an immigration agent who coordinates immigration
requirements for its principal.

Governing Law

Agencies (kuasa), or mandates (pemberian kuasa), are governed
generally by the Indonesian Civil Code. (Arts. 1792 through 1819 of
the Indonesian Civil Code (Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata)
(Burgerlijk Wetboek voor Indonesië) (Staatsblad 1847:23)
(“ICC“)). There are other areas of
Indonesian law that also regulate various agency relationships and
the reader should be aware of the necessity to review all law
relevant to a particular agency relationship to ensure compliance
with law as well as to avoid surprises arising out of unseen
restrictions and liabilities created by law.

Nature of Agencies

The Civil Code defines mandates (pemberian kuasa) as agreements
(persetujuan) that contain (berisikan) a grant (pemberian) of
authority (kekuasaan) to another person (orang lain) who accepts
(menerimanya) that grant of authority to implement (melaksanakan)
something (sesuatu) on behalf (atas nama) of the person who grants
that authority. (Art. 1792 of the ICC).


Mandates may (dapat) be granted (diberikan) and accepted (diterima)

  1. a notarial deed (akta umum);

  2. a document signed under hand (surat di bawah tangan);

  3. a letter (sepucuk surat); or

  4. orally (lisan). (Id. at Art. 1793).

The acceptance (penerimaan) of a mandate (kuasa) may also be
tacit (diam-diam) and concluded/surmised (disimpulkan) from the
performance (pelaksanaan) of the mandate by the person granted the
authority (yang diberi kuasa itu). (Id.).


Grants (pemberian) of mandates arise (terjadi) gratuitously
(cuma-cuma), except if otherwise agreed (diperjanjikan sebaliknya).
(Id. at Art. 1794).

In the event remuneration (upahnya) is not expressly (tidak
tegas) stipulated (ditentukan), an agent (penerima kuasa) may not
(tidak boleh) request (meminta) remuneration which is more than
three percent from all revenue (pendapatan), two percent from all
expenditures (pengeluaran), and one and ½ percent from the
capital they receive (modal yang mereka terima). (Id. at Arts. 411
and 1794).

Specific and General Mandates

Mandates (pemberian kuasa) may be implemented (dapat dilakukan) in
a specific manner (secara khusus) concerning one or more specific
interest (kepentingan tertentu), or in a general manner (secara
umum) encompassing (meliputi) all (segala) of the interests
(kepentingan) of a principal (pemberi kuasa). (Art. 1795 of the

Mandates formulated (dirumuskan) in a general manner (secara
umum) only encompass (meliputi) actions (tindakan-tindakan) which
relate (menyangkut) to management (pengurusan). (Id. at Art. 1796).
For transfers/alienations (memindahtangankan) of things (barang)
including real estate or attachments (meletakkan) of encumbrances
such as hypothecations (hipotek) or mortgages (hak tanggungan), for
making (membuat) settlements (suatu perdamaian) or conducting
(melakukan) other acts (tindakan lain) which may only be conducted
by an owner (seorang pemilik), an express (kata-kata yang tegas)
mandate is required (diperlukan). (Id.).

Scope of Authority

An agent (penerima kuasa) may not undertake (melakukan) anything
which falls outside of the scope (melampaui) of its mandate
(kuasanya). (Id. at Art. 1797). Authority granted to settle a case
amicably (secara damai) does not encompass (mengandung) the right
(hak) to render the settlement (penyelesaian) of that case to be
dependent (menggantungkan) on a decision (keputusan) of an
arbitrator or judge (wasit). (Id.).


A minor (anak yang belum dewasa) may (dapat) be appointed
(ditunjuk) to become an agent (kuasa); but the principal (pemberi
kuasa) cannot (tidak berwenang) submit (mengajukan) a legal claim
(tuntutan hukum) against the minor other than to the limited extent
permitted by provisions of law (ketentuan-ketentuan umum)
concerning obligations (perikatan-perikatan) which are made by
minors. (Id. at Art. 1798).

Claims against Third Parties

A principal (pemberi kuasa) may submit claims (menggugat) directly
(secara langsung) against persons with whom its agent (penerima
kuasa) has already conducted (melakukan) legal acts (perbuatan
hukum) in the agent’s capacity as an agent (kedudukannya) and
also may submit (mengajukan) claims (tuntutan) against those
persons (kepadanya) for the fulfillment (memenuhi) of agreements
(persetujuan) which have already been made (telah dibuat). (Id. at
Art. 1799).

Responsibilities of Agents

An agent (penerima kuasa), so long as (selama) its mandate
(kuasanya) has not yet been revoked (belum dicabut), is obligated
(wajib) to implement (melaksanakan) its mandate and is liable
(bertanggung-jawab) for all (segala) expenses (biaya), losses
(kerugian) and interest (bunga) that arises (timbul) due to the
non-performance (tidak dilaksanakannya) of its mandate. (Art. 1800
of the ICC).

An agent (penerima kuasa) is not only (tidak hanya) liable
(bertanggung-jawab) for acts (perbuatan-perbuatan) that are
conducted (dilakukan) intentionally (sengaja), but also for
negligence (kelalaian-kelalaian) which is committed (dilakukan) in
the performance (menjalankan) of its mandate. (Id. at Art. 1801).
However, the liability (tanggung-jawab) for negligence
(kelalaian-kelalaian) of a person (orang) who gratuitously
(cuma-cuma) accepts (menerima) a mandate (kuasa) is not as
burdensome (tidaklah seberat) as the liability that may be
requested (diminta) from a person who accepts a mandate with the
procurement (mendapatkan) of remuneration (upah). (Id.).

An agent (penerima kuasa) is required (wajib) to provide
(memberi) reports (laporan) to its principal (pemberi kuasa)
concerning that which it has already done (apa yang telah
dilakukan) as well as to account (perhitungan) concerning all of
the things (segala sesuatu) which have been received by the agent
(diterimanya) on the basis (berdasarkan) of the agent’s mandate
(kuasanya), even though that which is received (sekalipun apa yang
diterima) does not have to be paid (tidak harus dibayar) to the
principal (pemberi kuasa). (Id. at Art. 1802).

An agent (penerima kuasa) must pay (membayar) interest (bunga)
on any principal money (uang pokok) the agent uses (dipakainya) for
the agent’s personal needs (keperluannya sendiri) calculated
(terhitung) from the moment (saat) the agent commences (mulai) use
(memakai) of that money, as well as (begitu pula) interest (bunga)
on money that must be transferred (diserahkan) on the closing of
accounts (penutupan perhitungan) calculated (terhitung) from the
moment the agent is declared (dinyatakan) negligent (lalai) in the
implementation (melakukan) of the mandate. (Id. at Art. 1805).

An agent (penerima kuasa) who has already provided information
(memberitahukan) in a lawful manner (secara sah) concerning the
existence of a mandate (hal kuasa) to a person with whom the agent
makes (mengadakan) an agreement (persetujuan) in the agent’s
capacity (kedudukan) as an agent (penerima kuasa) is not liable
(tidak bertanggung jawab) for that which occurs outside of the
scope (terjadi di luar batas) of that mandate except if the agent
binds (mengikatkan) itself (diri) personally (secara pribadi) to
that. (Id. at Art. 1806).

An agent (penerima kuasa) is responsible (bertanggungjawab) for
other persons (orang lain) who are appointed (ditunjuknya) as the
agent’s substitutes (sebagai penggantinya), also known as
sub-agents, in the implementation of its mandate if:

  1. a mandate to appoint (kuasa untuk menunjuk) another person as a
    substitute (penggantinya) is not provided (tidak diberikan);

  2. a mandate to appoint a substitute is granted (diberikan)
    without mentioning (menyebutkan) a specific person (orang tertentu)
    while (sedangkan) the person who is chosen (dipilihnya) turns out
    (ternyata) to be a person who does not have the capacity (cakap) or
    is not competent/capable (mampu). (Id. at Art. 1803).


A principal (pemberi kuasa) is always (senantiasa) deemed
(dianggap) to have granted (memberi) authority (kuasa) to an agent
(penerima kuasa) to appoint another person as the agent’s
substitute (penggantinya) for the management (mengurus) of goods
(barang-barang) that are present (berada) outside of the territory
of Indonesia (di luar wilayah Indonesia) or outside of the island
of residence of the principal (pemberi kuasa). (Id.).

A principal (pemberi kuasa), in all events (dalam segala hal),
may submit claims (mengajukan tuntutan) directly (secara langsung)
to the person who have already been appointed (ditunjuk) by an
agent (penerima kuasa) as his/her substitute (penggantinya).

Multiple Agents

If within one deed (akta), more than one (beberapa) agent (penerima
kuasa) is appointed (diangkat) for one matter (urusan), then joint
and several obligations (perikatan tanggung-menanggung) do not
arise (tidak terjadi) except if that matter is expressly stipulated
(ditentukan dengan tegas) in the deed (akta). (Id. at Art.

Responsibilities of Principals

A principal (pemberi kuasa) is obligated (wajib) to fulfill
(memenuhi) the obligations (perikatan-perikatan) made (dibuat) by
its agent (penerima kuasa) according to the mandate (kekuasaan)
that has been granted (berikan) to the agent. (Art. 1807 of the

A principals (ia) is not bound (tidak terikat) for that which
has been done (telah dilakukan) beyond the scope (di luar) of its
mandate (kuasanya) except if the principal has already agreed
(menyetujui) to that matter in an express or tacit manner (secara
tegas atau secara diam-diam). (Id.).

A principal (pemberi kuasa) is obligated (wajib) to reimburse
(mengembalikan) cash advances (persekot) and expenses (biaya) that
have been disbursed (dikeluarkan) by an agent (penerima kuasa) for
the implementation (melaksanakan) of a mandate, as well as paying
(membayar) remuneration (upahnya) if remuneration has already been
agreed upon (diadakan perjanjian). (Id. at Art. 1808).

If an agent (penerima kuasa) does not act negligently (tidak
melakukan suatu kelalaian), then a principal (pemberi kuasa) may
not avoid/evade (menghindarkan diri) the obligation (kewajiban) to
reimburse (mengembalikan) the cash advances (persekot), expenses
(biaya) and payment of the remuneration (upah) aforementioned, even
though (sekalipun) the agent (penerima kuasa) was not successful
(berhasil) in that affair (urusannya). (Id.).

Additionally (begitu pula), a principal (pemberi kuasa) must
provide (memberikan) compensation (ganti-rugi) to an agent
(penerima kuasa) for losses (kerugian-kerugian) suffered
(dideritanya) at the time (sewaktu) of the performance
(menjalankan) of the mandate (kuasanya), provided that in that
matter (asal dalam hal itu), the agent (penerima kuasa) has not
acted (tidak bertindak) with insufficient care (kurang hati-hati).
(Id. at Art. 1809).

A principal (pemberi kuasa) must pay (harus bayar) interest
(bunga) on a cash advance (persekot) that has already been
disbursed (dikeluarkan) by an agent (penerima kuasa) calculated
(terhitung) commencing on the day (mulai hari) of disbursement
(dikeluarkannya) of the cash advance. (Id. at 1810).

If an agent (penerima kuasa) is appointed (diangkat) by various
(berbagai) persons to take care (menyelenggarakan) of an affair
(suatu urusan) that must be completed (harus mereka selesaikan) in
a joint manner (secara bersama), then each of them (masing-masing
dari mereka) is liable (bertanggung jawab) for the entirety
(seluruhnya) in relation to the agent (penerima kuasa) concerning
all of the effects of the grant of that mandate. (Id. at Art.

Rights of Retention

An agent (penerima kuasa) is entitled (berhak) to hold/retain
(menahan) the property (kepunyaan) of a principal (pemberi kuasa)
that is in his/her possession (berada di tangannya) until (hingga)
the agent is paid (kepadanya dibayar lunas) all that may be claimed
by the agent as a result of the grant of the mandate. (Id. at Art.


Grants (pemberian) of mandates (kuasa) end (berakhir) upon:

  1. the revocation/withdrawal (penarikan kembali) of the mandate by
    the principal (pemberi kuasa);

  2. the giving of notice (pemberitahuan) of the
    discontinuation/resignation (penghentian) of the mandate by the
    agent (penerima kuasa); or

  3. the death (meninggalnya), guardianship (pengampuan) or
    bankruptcy (pailitnya), whether of the principal (pemberi kuasa) or
    the agent (penerima kuasa). (Art. 1813 of the ICC).

A principal (pemberi kuasa) may revoke/withdraw (menarik
kembali) a mandate if desired (dihendakinya) and may insist
(memaksa) that holders of the mandate (pemegang kuasa) return
(mengembalikan) the mandate if there are reasons for that. (Id. at
Art. 1814).

The revocation/withdrawal (penarikan) of a mandate (kuasa) that
is only notified (diberitahukan) to the agent (penerima kuasa) may
not be used against third parties (pihak ketiga) who have already
made agreements (mengadakan persetujuan) with the agent (penerima
kuasa) with lack of knowledge (karena tidak mengetahui) of the
revocation/withdrawal of that mandate; without limiting (tidak
mengurangi) legal claims (tuntutan hukum) from the principal
(pemberi kuasa) against (terhadap) the agent (penerima kuasa). (Id.
at Art. 1815).

The appointment (pengangkatan) of a person (seseorang) as a new
agent (penerima kuasa baru) to perform (menjalankan) the same
affair/matter (suatu urusan yang sama) causes (menyebabkan) the
revocation/withdrawal (ditariknya kembali) of the mandate of the
first agent (penerima kuasa yang pertama) calculated (terhitung)
starting on the day (mulai hari) notice is given (diberitahukannya)
of that appointment (pengangkatan itu) to the first agent (penerima
kuasa yang pertama). (Id. at Art. 1816).

An agent (pemegang kuasa) may free/release him/herself
(membebaskan diri) from the mandate with the provision of notice
(memberitahukan) of the agent’s discontinuation/resignation
(penghentiannya) to the principal (pemberi kuasa). (Id. at Art.
1817). However (akan tetapi), if the provision of this notice of
discontinuation/resignation (pemberitahuan penghentian), whether
because the agent does not observe (tidak mengindahkan) time
(waktu) or because of another matter resulting (akibat) from the
fault (kesalahan) of the agent itself (pemegang kuasa sendiri),
brings (membawa) loss (kerugian) to the principal (pemberi kuasa),
then the principal (pemberi kuasa) must be provided (harus
diberikan) with compensation (ganti rugi) by the agent (pemegang
kuasa itu), except if (kecuali bila) the agent was not
capable/competent (tak mampu) to arrange/manage/take care of
(meneruskan) that mandate without incurring (mendatangkan)
material/significant loss (kerugian yang berarti) to itself.

If an agent (pemegang kuasa) does not know (tidak tahu) of the
death (meninggalnya) of the principal (pemberi kuasa) or of another
matter (suatu sebab lain) that causes/results in (menyebabkan) the
end/termination (berakhirnya) of the mandate, then the actions
(perbuatan) that are done (dilakukan) in the circumstance/condition
(keadaan) of lack of that knowledge (tidak tahu itu) are
valid/lawful (sah). (Id. at Art. 1818). In that event (dalam hal
demikian), all obligations (segala perikatan) undertaken
(dilakukan) by the agent (penerima kuasa) with a third party (pihak
ketiga) in good faith (beritikad baik) must (harus) be fulfilled
(dipenuhi) toward the third party (terhadapnya). (Id.).

If an agent (pemegang kuasa) dies (meninggal dunia), then the
agent’s heirs (para ahli warisnya) must (harus) provide notice
(memberitahukan) of that matter to the principal (pemberi kuasa) if
they know of the grant (pemberian) of that mandate, and at the same
time (sementara) take (mengambil) actions (tindakan-tindakan) are
required (perlu) in accordance with the circumstances/situation
(keadaan) for the interests (bagi kepentingan) of the principal
(pemberi kuasa), subject to liability for compensation (mengganti)
of expenses (biaya), losses (kerugian) and interest (bunga), if
there are grounds for that. (Id. at Art. 1819).

Agent’s create liabilities for their principals. Thus, it is
important to chose competent agents, to define the authorities
granted with sufficient limitations and to understand how to
terminate agents in the event the need arises.

Agents also incur expenses and thus must ensure that, in accepting
an appointment, the principal is capable of fulfilling its
obligations to the Agent.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

#Agents #Principals #Contracts #Commercial #Law

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