Radiotherapy For Cancer Treatment – Types, Side Effects & More

Cancer. Just the word itself can instil fear and uncertainty. But amidst the whirlwind of emotions, knowledge is power. When radiotherapy becomes part of your treatment plan, understanding its purpose, potential side effects, and financial considerations becomes crucial. Radiotherapy plays a crucial role in battling cancer, both alone and in conjunction with other treatments. In…

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Ketto Wishes Eid Mubarak to Everyone

Eid-ul-Fitr is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Eid-ul-Fitr lasts for three days and begins with special prayer services. Muslims often invite friends and family over for an Eid feast (or iftar). The first day of Eid is set aside for visiting friends and relatives, exchanging…

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Gen Z as Donors: Ready or Not, Here They Come

Pipeline. Inclusivity. Omnichannel. Give-to-Get. Collective Impact. HENRYs. When it comes to analysis of donors by generation, the nonprofit blogosphere is full of flashy buzzwords, with many consultants and organizations offering their take on a “quick fix” for reaching and retaining the youngest alumni donors. The supposedly elusive “Gen Z” donors have been labeled difficult to…

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