How Faculty and Student Input Shaped Co’s “Anatomy & Physiology,” 1e [INFOGRAPHIC]

Published: 3/11/2024

Reading Time: < 1 minute

It takes a village to design MindTap for a textbook. In the process of developing MindTap for Dr. Elizabeth Co’s “Anatomy & Physiology,” 1e, we surveyed 500 students and 170 faculty across 138 universities and colleges to understand the unique needs and pain points of a first-year Anatomy and Physiology course.

From there, we collaborated with the author, faculty, students and subject matter experts to ensure that the title supported students and instructors where they needed it most.

“I like the case studies. Relevance is important to motivating students to do the work to learn A&P concepts. Case studies challenge them to use their learning in ways that can help others in a future healthcare job.”

—Janet Brodsky, Ivy Tech Community College


For 2-semester Anatomy & Physiology instructors who want to motivate and help students learn key concepts, Co’s “Anatomy & Physiology” provides a student-friendly, clinical approach with a unique learner-centric framework.

Anatomy & Physiology Book By Elizabeth Co

MindTap for “Anatomy & Physiology,” 1e is the digital learning solution that powers students from memorization to mastery. MindTap provides activities to promote active and clinical learning, including 3D models.


Ready to explore the full collaborative journey of faculty and students in research and development?

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