How To Survive A Divorce – Divorce

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Regardless of who initiated the separation, or even when it is a
mutual and amicable decision, going through a divorce is a
stressful process for all involved. According to research conducted
by Benenden Health, divorce ranked number 5 on the top ten most
stressful life events of modern life.

So, if you’re going through the divorce process, how can you
minimise the impact on your health and wellbeing, and get through
this difficult time?

Allow Yourself time to Grieve

Even if it was your decision to end the marriage, there will
still be a grieving process to go through, but if it was not your
decision, then the sense of loss is likely to be even more
pronounced. It’s important to validate your own feelings about
this and take time to work through the grieving process.

Rely on your Support Network

It can be tempting to isolate yourself and avoid social contact
whilst going through a divorce. However, relying on your support
network is one of the best ways to get through it. Friends, family
members, and colleagues are all valuable resources for emotional
and practical support. Additionally, you may benefit from seeking
out other people who are going through, or have been through, a
divorce, as they will understand what you are experiencing. With an
estimated 42% of marriages in the UK ending in divorce, you are not

Practice Self-Care

Self-care means different things to different people, and the
most effective self-care will be whatever works for you. This may
include meditation, exercise, time spent outdoors, pampering, or
even just practicing being kind to yourself and not expecting too
much from yourself whilst you’re going through the divorce

Manage Contact with your Ex-Partner

When getting divorced, there will be a period where you need to
stay in contact with your ex-partner whilst resolving legal and
financial matters. If you have children together, it is likely that
you will have to remain in contact for the rest of your lives.
Tensions can be high, which can lead to unpleasant communication on
both sides. If you are finding this difficult, consider limiting
communication to one method, for example via email, or a
co-parenting app if you have children. In some circumstances, you
may need to engage a solicitor to communicate with your ex-partner
on your behalf.

Seek Professional and Legal Advice

Professional support comes in a number of different forms. The
divorce process can be overwhelming and difficult to understand,
particularly given the emotional stresses involved. Seeking early
legal advice from a family lawyer can help you navigate this
process, ensure that you are taking the right steps and help break
down confusing legal jargon. You may also wish to consult with a
financial advisor, a mediator, and/or a counsellor/therapist as all
can offer invaluable support.

At Ellisons our experienced Family Law Solicitors provide a bespoke
service recognising that a breakdown in family relationships can
involve complex emotions. With our experience, we can guide you
through a dispute in a sensitive but effective way to ensure an
appropriate outcome. Contact us today on 01206 764477 or email us at

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

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