How to tell your charity’s story with impact

In the world of online fundraising, telling a great story is the key to success. In fact, customising the story section on your JustGiving page can encourage up to 65% more donations!

Explore below how you can share your charity’s story effectively to drive donations.

Start With the Heart

A successful fundraising campaign begins with a heartfelt story. Before creating a campaign take a moment to think about your mission.

Think about your charity’s fundamental values.

Be open, honest, and personal in expressing what your charity exists to do. We know that genuine, heartfelt stories can inspire others to act.

We aren’t all amazing writers— and that’s okay!

If you feel more comfortable behind or in front of the camera, why not share your charity’s story through a photo or video?

Channel your inner film director and record a video that showcases the very best of your charity. And since a picture’s worth a thousand words, photos and illustrations can help people visualise your charity’s impact.

Need some inspiration? Here are some awesome visual stories:

Advance Your Cause

You may know why your charity’s work is special, but does your audience know too? Put yourself in their shoes. Think of yourself as a journalist or biographer for the organisation.

Check out some story threads you might consider exploring:

  • Imagine no one has ever heard of your charity before, what’s your purpose?
  • Does the founder have an origin story that deserves to be told?
  • How many lives have been touched by your charity, and how?
  • Why should fundraisers create JustGiving pages for your charity?
  • Why should donors give to your cause?

Showcase Your Network

Your charity may be doing amazing things in your community, but when was the last time you celebrated that success?

Don’t be shy about showcasing the achievements and dedication of your key supporters. Fundraising is a team effort!

You can even ask stakeholders to share their stories. We recommend teaming up with other fundraisers and building your story around your collective efforts.

Not only will this provide great content for your network, but it also reminds people that you’re human too.

Need some inspiration? Here are some great examples of amazing stories written by our fundraisers:

Illustrate Impact

Your story is an opportunity to inspire your supporters. People like to know that their contributions of time and money (however humble) are making a difference:

  • Quote the donation amount that your charity needs to buy school supplies for a child in an underprivileged community.
  • Share the designs of the new animal shelter that’ll be built if you hit your donation target.
  • Highlight how many trees your environmental charity planted last year thanks to a donation.

By breaking down the impact of each donation, you make it clear to your supporters how their generosity can change lives!

Leverage the power of AI

It takes time to tell a great story. To make the storytelling process smooth and effective, consider using innovative tools like JustGiving’s Story Enhancer.

This AI-powered writing assistant can help you craft a refined narrative. Choose from different tones to match your charity’s style and craft your unique story.

Story Enhancer can help you improve your story’s formatting and structure, whatever your writing abilities may be.  Since launch, we’ve supported nearly 5,000 fundraiser stories with Story Enhancer.

Tell Your Story

Crafting impactful narratives is crucial for successful charity fundraising.

By telling personal stories, showcasing your fundraising journey, and leveraging tools like Story Enhancer, you can create compelling stories that resonate with your audience.

Remember, your story is not just words on a page; it’s the bridge that connects your passion with the generosity of your supporters.

So, what’s your story?

Create compelling stories with Story Enhancer

Story Enhancer by JustGiving helps fundraisers tell their best stories and raise more money for charity with the magic of AI.

Watch this space: Soon you’ll be able to use Story Enhancer for campaign pages too!

#charitys #story #impact

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