How Your Firm Can Find Its Practice Management Niche

ATL-Legal-Tech-Non-Event-Promo-Image-1b-editLaw practice management software is one of the primary technology tools every law firm should utilize. 

But did you know that there are case management softwares that are purpose-built for specific practice areas? 

To find out more, we invited Chad Sands of CloudLex, a case management software built for personal injury law firms, onto the Non-Eventcast to discuss niche practice management software as well as some other technology considerations.

We start by discussing the evolution of case management software, including why and how some vendors decide to build products for specific practice areas (5:20). 

After that, Chad talks over how lawyers should approach AI in their work (9:08), as well as addressing how the term “AI” is often misused in the tech space (13:25) — sometimes what folks tell you is AI, ain’t AI. 

Next, we discuss how the future of AI sounds a lot like “Blade Runner 2049,” with the advent of smart robots (20:14). 

Chad also offers some insight into all the mergers and acquisitions recently in legaltech (14:42) and offers some guidance on how law firms should be selecting case management software now (24:11). 

Finally, we engage in a thought exercise: What if all the case management software vendors called for a marketing “ceasefire” (23:06)?  (Spoiler alert: It’s never going to happen.)

If you’re looking for an in-depth discussion of niche practice management software, including some side discussions around movies and AI — and who isn’t? — well, you’ve come to the right place, friend.

Feel free to also check out our Practice Management by Practice Area Buyers Guide at the Non-Event for more on the latest resources to support your practice. (The Non-Event is supported by vendor sponsorships.)

Jared Correia, a consultant and legal technology expert, is the host of the Non-Eventcast, the featured podcast of the Above the Law Non-Event for Tech-Perplexed Lawyers. 

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