International Law In The Midst Of The Israel-Palestine War – International Courts & Tribunals

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Palestine is a state party to the Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court (ICC). This meansthatHamas leaders and
personnel can be held accountable for committing genocide, crimes
against humanity, or war crimes, whether it be on Israeli territory
or in Gaza. Israel, similar to the United States and many other
countries, is not a state party to the Rome Statute. However, the
ICC prosecutor will examine its military actions in Gaza, which is
the territory of a state party. Israel’s Right to Defend Itself
Israel’s main goals revolve around defending itself against
Hamas attacks and securing the future security of the country.
According to the UN Charter, Article 51 allows for self-defense
based on customary international law without specifying that it can
only be used against the conventional armed forces of another

I. Introduction

The Israel-Palestine conflict has been a long-standing and
complex issue, with both sides claiming historical and legal rights
to the land. International law plays a crucial role in attempting
to address the various legal aspects of the conflict, including the
status of territories, human rights violations, and the
establishment of a lasting peace agreement. This paper aims to
analyze the application of international law in the context of the
Israel-Palestine war and explore its effectiveness in promoting
justice and resolving disputes between the two parties

A. Brief overview of the Israel-Palestine

The Israel-Palestine conflict is a long-standing and complex
dispute rooted in competing claims to the same land. It involves
political, historical, and religious factors that have shaped the
region for decades.

B. Significance of international law in resolving

International law plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts by
providing a framework for negotiations and establishing principles
of justice and fairness. It helps ensure that all parties involved
adhere to agreed-upon rules and norms, promoting peaceful
resolutions and preventing further escalation of tensions.
Additionally, international law provides a platform for impartial
mediation and arbitration, allowing for the resolution of disputes
through diplomatic channels rather than resorting to violence. By
upholding international law, conflicts can be addressed in a manner
that respects the rights and interests of all parties.

C. Purpose of the blog post

The purpose of this blog post is to highlight the importance of
upholding international law in resolving conflicts and promoting
peaceful resolutions. It aims to emphasize the role of agreed-upon
rules and norms, as well as impartial mediation and arbitration, in
preventing further escalation of tensions and ensuring that the
rights and interests of all parties are respected.

II. Historical Context of the Israel-Palestine Conflict

The historical context of the Israel-Palestine conflict dates
back to the late 19th century, when Zionist movements began
advocating for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
This led to increased Jewish immigration and tensions with the Arab
population, eventually culminating in the 1947 UN Partition Plan
and subsequent Arab-Israeli wars. The conflict has been
characterized by territorial disputes, competing national
aspirations, and deep-rooted historical and religious claims,
making it a complex and deeply entrenched issue.

A. Brief history of the conflict

The conflict has also been marked by periods of violence,
including the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the Six-Day War in 1967, and
the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Efforts to achieve peace and a
two-state solution have been ongoing, with various peace agreements
and negotiations taking place over the years. However, finding a
lasting resolution to the conflict remains a significant challenge
due to the deep-seated grievances and differing perspectives of
both sides.

B. Key events leading to the current situation

include the Oslo Accords in the 1990s, which aimed to establish
a framework for peace between Israel and Palestine but ultimately
faced numerous obstacles and setbacks. Additionally, the
construction of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories has
further complicated the situation and hindered progress towards a

C. International responses and resolutions related to the

have varied over time. The United Nations has played a
significant role in addressing the conflict, with resolutions such
as UN Security Council Resolution 242 calling for the withdrawal of
Israeli forces from occupied territories and the establishment of a
just and lasting peace. However, achieving consensus among member
states has proven challenging, leading to a lack of decisive action
to resolve the conflict.

III. International Law Framework

A. Overview of international law and its relevance in
conflict resolution

International law is a set of rules and principles that govern
the conduct of states in their relations with one another. It
provides a framework for resolving conflicts and promoting peaceful
coexistence. In the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,
international law plays a crucial role in defining the rights and
obligations of both parties as well as providing guidance on issues
such as the status of Jerusalem, settlements, and the right of
return for Palestinian refugees. However, adherence to
international law by all parties involved has been

B. Applicable international legal frameworks for the
Israel-Palestine conflict

include the United Nations Charter, the Fourth Geneva
Convention, and various United Nations resolutions. These
frameworks outline principles such as the prohibition of acquiring
territory by force, the right to self-determination, and the
obligation to respect human rights. Despite these established legal
frameworks, implementation and enforcement have been challenging
due to political complexities and differing interpretations of
international law. Additionally, external actors have often played
a role in shaping the dynamics of the conflict, further
complicating efforts to achieve a just and lasting resolution.

The four 1949 Geneva Conventions are ratified by Israel and the
“state of Palestine,” which is understood by most nations
to include the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. It’s worth
noting that Israel has yet to ratify the first and second protocols
of the conventions. These protocols, established in 1977, aim to
provide additional safeguards for civilians, property, and the
environment during times of war. One important provision is Article
75 of Protocol I, which has been considered by Washington as part
of customary international law. As a result, this provision would
apply to both the United States and Israel. Persons held by a
combatant power must be treated with humanity at all times, as
outlined in a comprehensive list of prohibited conduct. In the 2006
decision, a number of Supreme Court justices emphasized the
customary application of Article 75. It’s worth noting that
Palestine has ratified all three protocols, which means that as a
state party, it is unquestionably obligated to adhere to their
terms. As a de facto governing authority in Palestine, specifically
in Gaza, Hamas has the responsibility to adhere to the Geneva
Conventions and their three protocols.

Palestine is a state party to the Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court (ICC). This means that Hamas leaders
and personnel can be held accountable for committing genocide,
crimes against humanity, or war crimes, whether it be on Israeli
territory or in Gaza. Israel, similar to the United States and many
other countries, is not a state party to the Rome Statute. However,
the ICC prosecutor will examine its military actions in Gaza, which
is the territory of a state party.

Israel’s Right to Defend Itself Israel’s main goals
revolve around defending itself against Hamas attacks and securing
the future security of the country. According to the UN Charter,
Article 51 allows for self-defense based on customary international
law without specifying that it can only be used against the
conventional armed forces of another state. This means that Hamas
leaders and personnel can be held accountable for committing
genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes, whether it be on
Israeli territory or in Gaza. Israel, similar to the United States
and many other countries, is not a state party to the Rome Statute.
However, the ICC prosecutor will examine its military actions in
Gaza, which is the territory of a state party. Israel’s Right
to Defend Itself Israel’s main goals revolve around defending
itself against Hamas attacks and securing the future security of
the country. According to the UN Charter, Article 51 allows for
self-defense based on customary international law without
specifying that it can only be used against the conventional armed
forces of another state.

C. Role of international organizations in enforcing
international law

International organizations play a crucial role in enforcing
international law by monitoring compliance, providing technical
assistance, and facilitating negotiations between conflicting
parties. These organizations, such as the United Nations and
regional bodies like the European Union, have the authority to
investigate human rights abuses, impose sanctions, and mediate
disputes. However, their effectiveness can be hindered by limited
resources, political pressures from member states, and the lack of
universal participation in international treaties. Nonetheless,
their involvement remains essential in promoting accountability and
upholding the principles.

IV. Violations of International Law by Israel

A. Analysis of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian

The analysis of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian
territories reveals numerous violations of international law. These
include the establishment and expansion of settlements, which are
considered illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Additionally, there have been reports of excessive use of force by
Israeli security forces against Palestinian civilians, arbitrary
detentions, and restrictions on freedom of movement. These actions
not only undermine the rights and well-being of Palestinians but
also contribute to the perpetuation of the conflict in the

B. Examination of Israel’s settlement activities in the
West Bank

reveals a consistent pattern of land confiscation and
displacement of Palestinian communities. This not only violates
international law but also hinders the prospects for a two-state
solution, which is widely recognized as the most viable path to
peace in the region. The expansion of settlements further
entrenches the occupation and undermines any potential for a just
and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

C. Discussion of Israel’s use of force and human rights

It is also crucial in understanding the ongoing conflict. The
Israeli military’s use of excessive force, including the
targeting of civilians and infrastructure, has been widely
condemned by human rights organizations. These violations not only
result in loss of life and destruction but also contribute to a
cycle of violence and mistrust between the two sides. Addressing
these human rights abuses is essential for any meaningful progress
towards a peaceful resolution. is also crucial in understanding the
ongoing conflict. The Israeli military’s use of excessive
force, accountability, and ultimately achieving a peaceful
resolution to the conflict

V. Violations of International Law by Palestine

A. Analysis of Palestinian attacks against Israeli

Palestinian attacks against Israeli civilians are serious
violations of international law. These attacks, often carried out
by militant groups, target innocent civilians and cause immense
harm and suffering. Such actions not only result in the loss of
life but also create a climate of fear and insecurity among Israeli
citizens. Addressing these violations is crucial for promoting a
peaceful resolution to the conflict, as it requires holding those
responsible accountable for their actions. Additionally,
understanding the motivations behind these attacks can help
identify underlying issues that need to be addressed.

B. Examination of Palestine’s use of armed groups and

It is necessary to fully understand the dynamics of the
conflict. It is important to recognize that while some Palestinians
may resort to violence as a means of resistance, it does not
justify or excuse acts of terrorism. Exploring the root causes
behind the formation and support of armed groups can shed light on
the socio-political factors that contribute to their existence and
potentially lead to more effective strategies for conflict

C. Discussion of Palestinian

Hamas Terrorism

Hamas terrorism is a grave violation of international law and
has had devastating consequences for both Israelis and
Palestinians. The indiscriminate targeting of civilians through
suicide bombings and rocket attacks not only causes loss of life
and destruction but also perpetuates a cycle of violence and
mistrust. Addressing these human rights abuses is crucial for any
meaningful progress towards a peaceful resolution, as it requires
holding accountable those responsible for such acts. Furthermore,
understanding the motivations behind Hamas’ actions is
essential in comprehending the complexities of the ongoing

Terrorism should also include an examination of the role played
by external actors, such as neighboring countries or international
organizations, in either supporting or condemning these acts.
Additionally, it is crucial to consider the impact of Israeli
policies and actions on the Palestinian population, as they can
often contribute to feelings of frustration and desperation that
may fuel support for armed groups. By taking a comprehensive
approach to understanding Palestinian terrorism, policymakers can
develop more nuanced and effective strategies for addressing the
root causes and working towards a peaceful resolution.

D. Conclusion

In conclusion, the Israel-Palestine conflict is a complex issue
that requires a commitment to upholding international law in order
to achieve a just and lasting resolution. By adhering to
agreed-upon rules and norms, promoting impartial mediation and
arbitration, and addressing violations of international law by all
parties involved, we can work towards a future of peace and
stability in the region. It is crucial for the international
community to continue supporting efforts to resolve the conflict
and ensure that the rights and interests of all parties are

Author’s view

Hitesh C. Soni

Hamas leaders and personnel can be held liable for genocide,
crimes against humanity, and war crimes in Israel and Gaza. Israel,
like the US and others, is not a Rome Statute state. However, the
ICC prosecutor will investigate its military conduct in Gaza, a
state party. Israel’s Defense Rights Defense against Hamas
attacks and future security are Israel’s major goals. Article
51 of the UN Charter authorizes customary international law-based
self-defense against conventional armed forces of other states.

I firmly believe that resolving conflicts through adherence to
agreed-upon rules and norms is essential for fostering peace and
stability in any region. By promoting impartial mediation and
arbitration, we can create a platform for constructive dialogue and
negotiations between all parties involved. Additionally, it is
crucial for the international community to provide ongoing support
in order to ensure that the rights and interests of all parties are
respected throughout the resolution process.

Originally published 23 October 2023

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

#International #Law #Midst #IsraelPalestine #War #International #Courts #Tribunals

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