Keep Your Donor’s Data Safe with These 5 Steps

You have the privilege of serving your community through your mission. As a leader who serves others, you have countless donors who trust you with their money and their information. As such, it’s important for you to safeguard this revenue and their information by finding strategies that work for you and your team to ensure their security.  So what kinds of steps can you take to make sure you are protecting your donors’ information and resources? 

Internet threats and fraud schemes are real and innumerable. Bad actors can easily assail websites that are not properly safeguarded to collect sensitive data like credit card and bank account information. It is essential for you to take the necessary steps to make sure your donors’ payment information is safe. One simple way to do this is to sign up for a payment gateway service that is PCI compliant.

PCI compliance

PCI (Payment card industry) compliance is a series of requirements established by major credit card companies to ensure the safety of data being processed, stored, or transferred through online solutions.

While using a PCI compliant gateway is not required by law, it garners your donors’ trust and makes it more likely that you will receive donations from tech-savvy supporters.