Morning Docket: 04.12.24

* O.J. Simpson is dead. The term “trial of the century” gets trotted out a lot, but there’s a decent argument that between his murder acquittal and being found liable in the wrongful death suit that was the first time average Americans understood there was a difference between the criminal and civil systems. We should probably have a better system of civic education than “letting a famous guy get away with killing people every few decades.” [Hollywood Reporter]

* Evan Corcoran departs Trump legal team. [CNN]

* O’Melveny mocks failed merger partner behind closed doors. [Roll on Friday]

* SBF appeals conviction. [Reuters]

* H-1B worker facing visa revocation challenges policy of “fraud by association.” [Bloomberg Law News]

* Orrick offers up $8 million to settle data breach. [Law360]

* It’s just that Dr. Manhattan meme, except “it’s April 2024, and we’re arguing over the term ‘non-lawyer.'” [American Lawyer]

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#Morning #Docket #04.12.24

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