Understanding The Crisis: Why Pedestrian Traffic Deaths And Injuries Persist In Toronto – Rail, Road & Cycling


This February has been the most dangerous month on Toronto streets for
pedestrians and cyclists since 2020. Within the span of just
one month, 12 collisions involving pedestrians and cyclists,
resulting in four tragic fatalities, illustrated the urgent need
for enhanced road safety measures. These alarming figures cast a
shadow over the ambitious goals set forth by the Vision Zero
initiative, launched in 2016, and Vision Zero 2.0, launched in
2019, to eradicate road fatalities. However, now eight years after
the initial launch, a recent study conducted out of York University in January unveiled a sobering
reality: between 2016 and 2021, a staggering 9,700 pedestrians
sought emergency care due to injuries sustained on Toronto’s
streets. These statistics underscore the persistent gap between
aspiration and reality in achieving pedestrian safety. In this
article we aim to explore the causes of pedestrian injuries, the
impact that they have on our communities, and the current solutions
in place and their limitations.

Exploring the Causes

There is a constellation of factors that contribute to
pedestrian accidents. It is the sheer number of variables involved
which makes the problem so complex and difficult to solve. The
following are a select few of the contributing factors to
pedestrian accidents:

  • Distracted driving: whether you’re eating, drinking, or
    changing the song on your dashboard, if driving is not your main
    concern while behind the wheel, you are putting the safety of
    pedestrians in danger.

  • Impaired or drowsy driving

  • Inclement weather

  • Left turning vehicles: a left-hand turn requires the driver to
    cross an incoming traffic lane which can lead drivers to focus on
    other incoming vehicles and neglect their responsibility to ensure
    that the pedestrian crosswalks are clear before beginning their

  • Aggressive driving and speeding

  • Lack of pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, including:

    – narrow sidewalks or a complete lack thereof;

    – poor visibility areas where pedestrian crossings are less
    obvious to drivers;

    – narrow roads that are too small for large vehicles such as
    SUVs and trucks.

Below is a just a snapshot of a hotspot map of
pedestrian-involved collisions from 2007-2017 generated using
Toronto Police data. Click here to navigate the
interactive map.


There are endless variations of combinations of these factors
that create the perfect recipe for a collision. However, all four fatalities that occurred in February of
this year had something in common. While one might assume that the
cause of Toronto pedestrian accidents must be busy city streets in
the downtown core, all four fatalities occurred in the inner
suburbs, where streets are wide, where traffic is fast, and where
city hall has not spent nearly enough time or money on road

Impact on Communities

Pedestrian accidents affect more than just those involved in the
collision. There are societal and economic costs of pedestrian
accidents. These include medical expenses, loss of productivity,
and the emotional toll on family members.

In a study published in July 2023 by the Canadian Centre for
Economic Analysis Toronto, titled: Social Cost of Collisions in Ontario and Canada:
Technical Documentation, researchers broke down the cost of
collisions in Ontario and Canada in 2019.


In the above chart, the researchers attempted to place a dollar
amount on the consequences that occur as a result of a collision in
Ontario and Canada. While these statistics do not explicitly
discuss pedestrian collisions, we get an idea of the
wide-ranging effects of a collision of any kind. For example:
“health care” costs include the cost of hospitalization
and emergency department visits, “first responder” costs
include ambulance, police, fire, and tow truck costs, and
“other costs” include the costs of the coroner, funerals,
and court time.

Pedestrian collisions also disproportionately impact vulnerable
populations including children, the elderly, and low-income
communities. For example, Statistics Canada released this past October
that the rate of pedestrian fatalities is highest among seniors
aged 70 years and older. Statistics Canada suggests that “a
higher fatality rate among seniors may be linked to a decline in
muscle strength, balance, reaction time, vision, and hearing. These
vulnerabilities make it more difficult to see oncoming traffic, get
around on foot quickly, and judge distances correctly”. It is
crucial here to note that these reasons place the onus on
pedestrians to avoid being hit by cars as opposed to placing the
onus on drivers to avoid hitting pedestrians – as is the
requirement by law.

Current Solutions and Their Limitations

There are shortcomings in the existing initiatives and policies
aimed at reducing pedestrian fatalities. The above-mentioned study
from York University researchers compared data from
multiple sources, including Toronto police, emergency room visits,
and hospitalizations, revealing disparities in the numbers
reported. While police data captured a portion of injuries, it
represented only a fraction of emergency room visits and
hospitalizations. The authors emphasize that relying solely on
police data may not accurately capture the full extent of cyclist
and pedestrian injuries in the city which has implications for both
the health-care system and road safety planning, as city planners
rely upon an inaccurate representation of the pedestrian collisions
in Toronto.

Toronto City Councillor, Dianne Saxe told CBC news:

“Because the city has been on starvation
budget for the last 13 years, we’ve allowed our
infrastructure to fall apart around us — and even the current
city budget still forecasts that the physical structure of our city
is going to be increasingly falling apart year after year”.
The failure to fund and maintain infrastructure increases
“our long-term costs … and we adversely affect
people’s lives, and all of these accidents are a real sign of

While the budget allocated to the Vision Zero Road Safety Plan
(RSP) has increased significantly, reaching $72.8 million in 2023, there are still
challenges to overcome. Community groups and coalitions are forming
to make streets safer by advocating for steps to be taken including
reducing speed limits city-wide and reallocating road space to
provide car-free spaces for transportation. These measures
demonstrate a proactive approach to improving road safety but may
face implementation challenges and resistance from

While efforts have been made to address pedestrian collisions in
Toronto, there are notable limitations and challenges that must be
addressed. Integrating data from multiple sources, increasing
funding for road safety initiatives, and fostering community
engagement are crucial steps towards achieving meaningful
reductions in pedestrian injuries and fatalities.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

#Understanding #Crisis #Pedestrian #Traffic #Deaths #Injuries #Persist #Toronto #Rail #Road #Cycling

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